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John Kelly Photos is a quality provider of Event, Sport and Race photography. Your event partnered with John Kelly Photos to provide you free event photos.
Your free images are provided by Hidden Gem Half. Be sure to thank your sponsor by liking them on Facebook.
Enjoy getting free photos? Like John Kelly Photos on Facebook to get notified whenever event photos are posted.
Time: 07:12:55
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:15:24
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:16:24
Location: Highlights
Tags: 128
Time: 07:20:15
Location: Highlights
Tags: 242, 376, 461, 254
Time: 07:22:20
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:28:56
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:30:08
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:31:45
Location: Highlights
Tags: 592
Time: 07:33:17
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:37:57
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:41:06
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:41:35
Location: Highlights
Tags: -
Time: 07:42:00
Location: Highlights
Tags: 273, 274, 371, 272, 447, 434, 102, 554
Time: 07:45:24
Location: Highlights
Tags: 22, 370, 427, 612, 320, 594, 536, 519, 614, 592
Time: 07:48:38
Location: Highlights
Tags: 22, 370, 427, 612, 320, 594, 536, 519, 614, 592
Time: 07:48:39
Location: Highlights
Tags: 22, 370, 427, 612, 320, 594, 536, 519, 614, 592
Time: 07:48:40
Location: Highlights
Tags: 22, 370, 427, 612, 320, 594, 536, 519, 614, 592
Time: 07:48:46
Location: Highlights
Tags: 83
Time: 07:48:57
Location: Highlights
Tags: 103
Time: 07:49:03
Location: Highlights
Tags: 449
Time: 07:50:52
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 592
Time: 07:50:54
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 536
Time: 07:50:54
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 536
Time: 07:50:54
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 536
Time: 07:50:57
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 409
Time: 07:50:57
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 409
Time: 07:50:57
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 409
Time: 07:50:58
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 480
Time: 07:50:58
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 480
Time: 07:50:58
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 480
Time: 07:51:03
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 161
Time: 07:51:03
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 161
Time: 07:51:04
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 370
Time: 07:51:04
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 370
Time: 07:51:06
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 612
Time: 07:51:06
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 612
Time: 07:51:07
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 614
Time: 07:51:07
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 614
Time: 07:51:09
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 385
Time: 07:51:09
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 385
Time: 07:51:10
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 484
Time: 07:51:10
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 484
Time: 07:51:11
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 561
Time: 07:51:11
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 561
Time: 07:51:15
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 396
Time: 07:51:15
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 396
Time: 07:51:16
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 447
Time: 07:51:16
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 447
Time: 07:51:17
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 554
Time: 07:51:17
Location: Baythorne Drive
Tags: 554
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Reporting incorrect tags helps us remove tags that may have been added incorrectly. We cannot guaruntee to remove all reported incorrect tags, but we will try to regularly check on incorrect image tags and remove them when appropriate.
We try to make finding your images and using our application as easy as possible, but if you are having trouble, we have highlighted a few more common problems and their solutions below. See if your question is directly addressed here. If not, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to help!
If you are having trouble finding your photos, don't worry, there may still be great photos of you! First, try narrowing your results by using our various search filters. Narrowing your selection by the rough time and location you think a photographer might have captured your photo, or when you were at a specific location will help reduce the results.
You can reduce your results further by selecting the 'View images without tags' button to only show images we were unable to tag.
If you want to help out us as well as your fellow racers, you can help tag images we were unable to tag. If you recognize someone in the photo, you may add their bib number to the image to add the image to results for their bib number.
To add a tag, simply click the image thumbnail to enlarge the photo. When the photo enlarges, select the 'add tag' button and follow the prompt. You will have to sign in to tag images.
For most events, we only allow numeric tag inputs. If your event uses characters in their bib numbers such as 'A12' or 'B2003', then we will enable character tagging only for those events. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy and Terms and conditions before using our tagging feature.
If you know a photographer captured your photo during the event but don't see that image, please consider some of the following:
If you tried searching very hard but still cannot find photos of yourself, shoot us a message and we would be happy to help you out. We will do our best to help you locate your photos!
Please understand that while we try very hard to capture images of everyone, it is not always possible to get 100% of participants their images. We are very sorry if we couldn't capture your image this event and hope we can get a great photo of you next event!
If you still need help or assistance, feel free to shoot us an email and someone will respond to your question as soon as possible.